

Our data analytics software will give you an accurate estimate of capital and maintenance expenditure in specific segments within an industrial sector over given timelines: three, six, nine, twelve, 18 or 24 months and beyond from the current date.

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We have a unique bottom-up approach, where our engineers collect information from the ground level to build the macro investment picture. The estimation model therefore is much more accurate than a top down methodology. The data can be extrapolated further to provide you five and 10-year predictions

The investment data can be sliced into industrial sub-segments, and further segregated in terms of specific facilities and units, geographies, operators and promoters.

We can tell you how much investment has passed the capital approval stage, how much is under basic and detailed engineering, how much is under contracting and commissioning. We can project the size of the maintenance pie within a sector or sub-sector. Out software can disaggregate overall investments into many smaller sub-components to provide the client with a multi-faceted picture.

Contact Us

Business Development Manager
Aniruddha Sharma
Phone: +919810156957