Gas-based Power
Extensive coverage

Gas fired power plants today face a severe shortage of reasonably priced gas but the demand for equipment and services will continue to remain active in the spares and replacement segment. Our installed base platform provides a matrix to capture gas supply and consumption details as well of a power plant.
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The database provides suppliers of gas and liquid fuels (most gas based units have dual feed systems) as well as equipment and services providers with business development opportunities.
Our exclusive information base on gas turbines captures information over a range of parameters and it is a useful tool for suppliers and service providers to monitor their performance and health and also keep track of turbines operated by competitors.
There are many gas based projects on the drawing boards at this moment. The government is trying to ensure their viability with imported LNG. Once a solution is found, the demand for gas based power facilities will show a dramatic increase.
Installed base and new capacity build ups are captured in an easy-to-use format to allow clients to mine for business opportunities using different search fields.
Contact Us

Business Development Manager
Aniruddha Sharma
Phone: +919810156957